"The past is a place to learn from, not to live in." How many times do we find ourselves learning from our mistakes? Maybe we keep making the same mistakes over & over again & we dare to ask ourselves why? My past always comes around to haunt me. Not just because it's spooky season either. As I continue to evolve & grow as the woman that I still strive to become, it gets hard sometimes. Life is just hard. As I grow older it almost seems as though the days are shorter & quicker with each passing year. Just like the seasons who try to hold on to the last glimpse of warm sunlight or the trees that struggle to attain their last couple leaves before allowing them the freedom to touch down & become a part of this magical & beautiful planet...they still try to hang on. My oldest son will be turning 21 soon & my youngest is set to get his license this month & I struggle as a parent with trying to release the coattails. Although I know they are grown, I still envision them as babies. Afraid for what the world has in store for them or for myself for that matter. The mistakes that I or they make, will they be learned from? Or will we take that struggle & make it harder for ourselves by never allowing the gift of self teachings to reach us? My past has always been my struggle. Not because I had a terrible childhood, it wasn't by any means lavish, not because of the trauma of life experiences with death & loved ones, alive & unborn, even though they scar my heart quite well, but because of these lessons. These struggles have taught me strength & preserverance. Quite frankly, they gave me a pretty tough skin & an "elastic heart." But, sometimes I have to allow myself to realize...it's okay to let that rubber band break & sob & take a moment to reassess your plans, your future & your mistakes. Life isn't easy, sometimes it can be downright devastaing, but one thing for sure...if you allow yourself to slow down & experience all the beautiful things this world can show you & embrace the people that can teach you, whether good or bad, you will be better for it & be better for everyone else around you. The spooky season can be scary, like life...but who doesn't like an occasional jump scare. It keeps your heart beating strong & you on your toes. Swing your wands, grab your brooms or just your candy bags & enjoy this season of life! For me, I'm trying to get up an hour earlier each day for myself, you know, to make the days seem longer. Heck, that's 7 extra hours a week! Now, you do the math. HANDMADE=HEARTMADE.