"Art is, for me, the process of trying to wake up the soul. Because we live in an industrialized, fast-paced world that prefers that the soul remain asleep."~Bill Viola.
To go back in time...when things & life really seemed simpler. Before phones, twitter, instagram. When a troll was a monster under a bridge from a storybook. If I could go back in time, I would make sure to stop in each time loop & notice the beauty & art around me. The sunsets, the smell in the air, the colors of leaves or buildings. What is Art to you? For so many it is many different things. The painter, the photographer, the musician, the actor. Or, like me, the soaper. We take so much Art for granted. The beautiful sunsets, the changing leaves on trees, the sound of our own breathing, the soft trickling of snow fall...even the moments in time. The moments when our hearts skip a beat at the first look of love, a special memory or an unforgettable trip. If we could bottle the moments in time we take for granted...but, the clock is always ticking...always running out. We all are racing against time, fighting it, trying to make it, running out of it.
Most of us even wait too long to begin to enjoy it. How do we allow ourselves to do that?!? I mean its ours, right?? We enjoy our time when we are younger, but as we gain more responsibilities we lose track of living & remain in the moment. Our past becomes another moment in time...one that we long to relive. Moments of our time slip & slide out of our lives, but we can always choose when we decide to live, to enjoy the time we are given. We can go back in time, remember who we were & reassess our future. Maybe by going back we can remember our memories & make new ones with our time. Allowing ourselves to go back in time to another place where the clock stops & the tick stays stuck for us to awaken our soul & savor enough of the moment that is needed.
...Just sayin'