April is one of the hardest months for me.  It brings me so much joy as it marks the birth of my youngest son & it also brings me the greatest sorrow as it marks the passing of my father.  Life & Death...what a delicate balance.   Everything is about balance you know?  From our routines to our friendships.  Even the foods we eat.  These are also comfort zones.   

What is your comfort zone?  Do you have one?  We all do whether we want to admit it or not.  Maybe it's the home we live in or the area we don't want to leave.  Maybe its the job we've been at for years.  Maybe, its the workout routine we have been doing & seems to be working for us so why change it.  Why change it???... The thing is, did you ever notice when things are going according to plan you find yourself nervous?  Maybe it's our subconsious trying to tell us we need to switch it up or life is going to switch it up for us.  We live our lives in this bubble protecting ourselves.  Whether having to justify ourselves on social media, making excuses for not doing something...you know because we have so much work that has to get done, even grieving takes a back seat, mostly because we try to focus on the now & everyone keeps telling us to live. The funny thing is we live our lives not knowing our full potential or the potential happiness that would come from the opportunities that we let slip away.  WE let slip away.  Why?...because it is out of our comfort zone, our bubble.  It gives us that feeling of the unexpected that we don't like because we don't know what's next.  I mean it could also possibly have a little to do with the fast pace of life we are all living.  Life is always handing us curveballs, unexpected occurances that flip our lives upside down.  The ones that make us question.  The ones that scar & scare us...but maybe, just maybe... these occurences are our bubbles slowly deflating as to make us see that our lives need more living.  On our own path.  Our own Balance of Bubbles.  So, as I sit here chewing my gum & blowing the biggest bubble you can imagine...while standing on one leg...& of course pondering my next bubbly creation...yeah, I'm pretty sure you know...pop!   

...Just sayin'