Take 1, Take 2, Take 3...
Which transition stage are you in? When we catch glimpse of a butterfly the first thing we usually do is admire its beauty. The beautiful patterns of its color. Its feather type flight. The way it delicately moves about on those long legs. We don't normally think of its Pupa stage, do we? We seldom take into account the stages of their life they have lived as a caterpillar. Quite honestly, I never looked at a caterpillar & thought...that is going to be one incredible butterfly.
As I performed a deadhang on a bar this morning at my CrossFit class, it dawned on me what transition of life I'm in. Pupa. We as humans go through so many transitional phases. The good, the bad & of course, the ugly. The life phases we experience shape us, our demons shake us, but our willpower & stages of life develop us. We must all go through countless Chrysalis. Protecting ourselves in our own coccoon of silk. Fear of leaping, fear of aging, fear of new beginings. We emerge from each experience with new lessons for the next transition phase. Our next "Stage" in life. Growing with more beauty from our teachings from others & flying with a little more courage with each emergence. Caterpillars legs are not what actually propels them forward. Their movement relies on a series of internal muscles that contract through their body like a wave. Just like we propel ourselves through the waves of our life's experiences. The ones we keep internally within our selves, that either transform us to the next stage or that we allow to keep us from propelling along to the next transition. Use your experiences to grow from & emerge from them. Listen, take notes, ask questions. Get stronger with each Stage until your Butterfly takes flight! Away from fear, doubts & anything that keeps you grounded & unable to emberge into your best version of yourself for the day. I'm not sure what take I'm in, I lost track long ago...but, I do know this Pupa stage will be the best one yet & I'm gonna keep hanging. Just sayin'