With all the hustle & bustle of the holidays, I can't help but to miss loved ones & in essence there pops up a somber realization...
I never really thought about how loss changed me. One day it just happened. Every typical day is a new day. A day for change, a day for adventure & also, a day for loss. We all lose something each day. How the loss effects us depends on our mindset, our goals or just how far we are willing to push. Sometimes the loss is unevitable. It happens when we least expect it. Changing our world forever. What we do with that loss is the switch that flips. After the loss of my father a wise person told me...you will find out who you really are by the way you heal. I never forgot that. You can take the most unlikely of situations & learn from them. You will not forget the situation, it will be a constant reminder...popping up when least expected, but learn you most certainly will. Moments in our life are just that, moments. They come, scar, heal, uplift, motivate,etc. But, what you decide to do with the moments is what enables you to become the best version of yourself. There is always hard work, always sacrifice & yes, moments of sadness. It will take time, something that we lose each day too, but time is what we make of it. It is also our choice how we spend it. As the holidays approach be thankful for the moments that change & shape your life. Remember the people who changed you & give thanks for the life lessons that have taken you "Over the Top". I may not be a truck driving arm wrestler but, what I've learned is this...Sometimes the flip of the switch or the turn of the hat becomes much more than a different persona. Sometimes it turns the dark into light & welcomes new beginnings...just sayin'.