Are you all fired up for the New Year?!?  We've all had that moment at the begining of the year...we are super pumped, organized & ready to kick off the New Year with a Bang!  We have gotten our goals wrote down, ready to manifest our desires & split our seams with accomplishments!...


Why do we wait until the New Year to start this stuff?  I know it's like a fresh begining, but isn't everyday like that?  A new start, a new begining.  Maybe if we commited to each day the way we try to commit ourselves to the New Year we would be checking off a lot more goals than filing them away for next years list.  

We would spend less time beating ourselves up over unaccomplished goals & more time enjoying each day that we've come closer to them.  If holiday tables have taught me anything it's this...the occurences that have made me who I am today have made me appreciate each day.  I try not to look too far forward, as bleak as that may sound, because we are not promised anything in this life including our time here.  Don't get me wrong, I still write a list, but I do it every morning.  I don't want to loose track of the journey that is getting me closer to my destination & I don't want to tie myself to resolution disappointments.  I want to take each step & appreciate the jump that gets me closer to the edge, to the target, to the prize.  

When starting 2024 remind yourself to appreciate each & every day.  You don't need a New Year to start fresh, just a new day.  If your rope gets knotted up along the way, don't stress out & give up.  Untangle it, reassess & keep moving forward.  If the knot becomes to tight to unravel, it's alright.  Sometimes the hardest knots make for the most beautiful bows...just sayin'